Friday, November 18, 2011

Maryland Bigfoot Sighting 11/14/11

Maryland Bigfoot Sighting
Date: November 14th 2011
Time of day: Approximately 7 PM
Number of Witnesses: 1
Location of sighting: Alm House Road near Oxford Maryland in Talbot County.

At approximately 7:15 PM on November 14th I received a call from a friend here in Hampton Virginia named Tom Beal. Tom Told me his niece had just had a sighting of Bigfoot and if I would like to speak with her to hear what happened. I immediately said yes and at 7:17 PM I was on the phone with this young lady and hearing her sighting account that had happened about 17 minutes earlier. This does not happen often and I certainly thank Tom for giving me to opportunity to have this story so soon after it happened.
This young ladies name is Brittney and she is 21 years old. She was driving on Almhouse Road which is a straight road with tall trees and wooded areas all along the sides.

As Brittney was driving she saw something standing on the right side of the road. At first she could not understand what she was seeing then suddenly and swiftly the creature began running across the road. Brittney said it took three steps and it was across the road (right to left) and its movements were so fast but still odd. She said it was hard to describe how the creature walked but the strides were long and fast. Just as the creature reached the left side of the road Brittney turned on her bright lights and when she did she said the creature turned and looked at her and the eyes were shining like a deer's eyes would shine in car lights.
Brittney stated the eyes seemed very round and very large and she estimated the creature to be approximately 6 feet tall but very very thick is how she described the creature. She stated that the head seemed so strange to look at as it seemed to look like someone's head when they have a hooded sweat jacket pulled up over their head (conical). She said that was the only thing she could think of to compare this creatures head to.
Brittany stated she just could not believe what she had seen and even called her husband and asked him if he had heard anything about gorillas in the area. As I got to speak to this witness in such a short time from time of her sighting I could hear how she was just still not sure what had happened to her and she even asked me several times what she had seen and if she had seen Bigfoot.
I found her to be very credible and she never varied from her story as I went over the story several times with her.
If you use Google maps and select terrain and put in search "Alms House Road Oxford Maryland" you can see that all along Alms House Road are open fields then very heavy woods. One area also has a large body of water located within the wooded area. Brittney also stated within one half mile of the sighting were a few houses.

Anyone in the Maryland area who would like to do a follow up please contact Philip Spencer :

1 comment:

  1. I took a drive to this area shortly after the sighting. I didn't spot anything but this area sure gave me the creeps!

    Baltimore, Maryland
