Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Strange Animal Attacks in Waddy Kentucky

Seems as though we have a very strange story brewing in Waddy Kentucky. At first report this horrible event was just written off as a dog attack even though I never really believed that at all. One track was found that was canine/wolf and due to this one track a dog was blamed, what nonsense.
Now the story has deepened and many more details have come out. What I found interesting were the similarities with some of the aspects of this story and the Frazier Mud Track which I wrote of in my book, as well as the cow which was attacked in Anderson County Ky several years ago and it's ears were torn off to the bone and its right eye ripped out and three large deep gashes were on the cows back on both sides.
You can read the article with many details of the Waddy event at the link below:
Waddy Story
You can read about the Frazier Mud Track at the link below:
Mud Track

Friday, January 27, 2012

The pressures of blood pressure and gasping..

On Monday, January 16th of 2012 When I woke I felt bad. It was an odd feeling and I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me. I went about my morning routine and after a few hours of feeling bad I decided to check my blood pressure. My blood pressure was 190/ 100. I sat starring at the readout and immediately checked it again and it was 188/89.
It was obvious what my problem was. I immediately called my doctor and she called in new blood pressure meds and told me if I had any symptoms of a stroke or heart attack to call an ambulance immediately. To make a long story shorter the first meds did not work and my BP stayed scary high. I take two medicines daily and my blood pressure is very good and stable till this event. I called my doctor back on Wednesday and she put me on two more blood pressure meds. On Thursday my BP started to come down .
I called a friend of mine in Kentucky who has been a friend for most of my life and told him what had happened to me . He paused and said "that is really weird!, the same thing happened to me about the same time!". His blood pressure shot up to a very high point and refused to go down and become stable. How oddly coincidental! It was then that I remembered that my friend Mary who lives in Frederiksberg Virginia had told me about a week before my BP event that her blood pressure had gone up excessively and she was having a terrible time getting it stable.
So I went to my Facebook page and posted a query asking if anyone had their blood pressure go up to scary levels and were having trouble getting it down and stable. Many said no but many said yes! And their experiences were so similar! Unexplained as to why their blood pressure went up and having a terrible time getting it stable and lowered.

I thought and thought about this situation and wondered if what I was seeing was a statistical normality or was there something strange about all these people having this happen in this time period? Then something else happened. On Monday January 23rd I woke up and could not breath. I was struggling to get my breath and could not get a full breath. It was very frightening and I called an ambulance and when they arrived they suggested I see my primary care physician (how weird!) when she opened her office that morning which was about 45 minutes from the time they arrived. I went to my doctors office and when she saw me and her staff told her what was going on with me she flew into action and called an ambulance and told them to take me to the hospital now!! Which they did.
Hours and hours in the ER and test after test and nothing could be found that was causing my breathing problems. As time went by the problem eased to the point where I could not get a full breath but once I sat up and tried hard I could finally get a full breath. My BP was 120/55 and my glucose level was 129. My heart showed no signs of any issues in several tests and blood work and EKG. The doctor said it must be my heart and more tests were needed and I needed to be admitted and kept for a few days. I did not go for that and left under the doctor saying the standard things that are said when a person does this.
The next day as I was resting at home and slowly feeling better I went into the virtual world Second Life to relax and talk to my friends. I was sitting at a place I own and a casual friend came by and we were just chatting about weather and those kind of things. She then said "Did you hear what happened to me yesterday? " I replied no and she proceeded to tell me that on Monday 1/23/12 in the morning she was standing in the kitchen and all at once she could not breath. She actually passed out and her grandmother came in the room and found her. She was rushed to a hospital and although they ran extensive tests, they could find nothing to indicate what had caused her event. They told her it must be her heart and she needed more tests so she wore a heart monitor over night and it showed nothing abnormal. I sat looking at this person and my mind was kind of frozen and yet at the same time going a gazillion miles an hour. I am in Virginia and she is in Louisiana, we do not know each other well and she has no way possible to know what happened to me the same day. I went to Facebook and asked if on Monday anyone had an event where they could not breath and were taken to the hospital and the reason for the event was not found. I received several private messages about people having breathing problems that could not be explained.

So what does this all mean? Is it a case of extreme coincidental events and people? Or a case of with any number of biological entities that events of this nature occur all the time and no one in the public is aware of this? Will certain coincidental events always happen? I do not know. I have thought about all this and if it was shear chance. Does my small sample group even give a good gauge of what is happening? Or could the numbers be huge in the amount of people who have had this happen? I do not have the resources available to delve into this as my time is limited and looking deeper would take a great deal of study and research and time.
Without doubt, food for thought…