Thursday, August 19, 2010

Danville Kentucky Cave Of Mystery..1906?

DANVILLE, Ky., Feb. 10. -- Enthusiastic over the beauties of a newly discovered cave found by Irvin E. Parks five miles from Danville and two miles east of Perryville, Parks, Eugene Carpenter, George and Joseph Godbey, and John Mitchell returned this evening, bearing geological curiosities and five opossums and five coons..

Read Article Here

You can read this article about what was found in a Danville Kentucky cave many years ago at the link above. The New York Times article is dated 1906 and one day after the article apparently was posted somewhere. The actual source is not stated but perhaps it is The New York Times.

The article is in .pdf form and I also have included a image for those who cannot see a .pdf file.

See article as an image here

As to to the validity of this article I have no proof of anything. I have had this for many years and thought I would share this story. I have heard some very wild stories of the caves in the area surrounding Danville and the Jessamine County areas, I have always wondered if this story is a real story or another tall tale from the beautiful hills of Ole Kantuck..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blobsquatchery! It is! no Its not!!!

" Yes, a picture of Bigfoot! Proof! You do see it don’t you? what? What the hell do you mean it is blurry? This is a picture of Bigfoot and this proves Bigfoot is real!!! I can see Bigfoot in this photo! Look at the coned head which proves it is Bigfoot! Look at the long arms and if it were moving you would see this is Bigfoot as it has a rise and fall to its gait from its mid tarsal joint! Also its eyes would be glowing because Bigfoot’s eyes glow but not right now!"

The above paragraph is depictive of numerous exchanges online between individuals concerning the infamous Blobsquatch videos/images.
I would like to welcome everyone to the wild and deranged would of Blobsquatches!!! A Blobsquatch is what you see in images and videos that are out of focus and blurry and just so bad you cannot tell what is in the image. The number of blurry out of focus bouncing vibrating videos and images one can find online with people proclaiming they are Bigfoot is enormous. However the vast majority are just hoaxes and not done as a malicious act it is just people doing what people do and in their minds and others they are just messing around and having fun.

But then again we have some people who actually believe they are capturing images of Bigfoot in these horrible images and videos and they become instantly outraged and insanely defensive when someone nicely points out they see nothing in the images and they are blurry and out of focus. Of course this does not mean there are not images that are out of focus and extremely blurry or video that is so shaky it is impossible to see what is in the video, that just might, maybe , could be an actual image capture of Bigfoot.

We also have self described analysts who break down these images and videos with very descriptive language and overlays of arrows and outlines and they proclaim what they are seeing and speaking to proves the subject in the video/image is Bigfoot. How bizarre! How strange, do they have no basic understanding of photographic analysis or video analysis? Do they have a clue that the images online are compressed with in many cases, different codec’s that degrade the image and only add to the distortion? Do they not realize you must have the raw data to make the best possible analysis of these images/videos?
I personally have no real issue with most of the people who post Blobsquatches but as for those who are just posting bullshit and wasting peoples time that are truly trying to do serious research, I would hope over time these individuals are not given a public platform to spread their crap.

We need all the information we can get to solve this amazing mystery and we need the community to work together as a unit to share information and hopefully one day soon we will all b able to fully understand this amazing creature that walks through our dreams and seems embedded in our souls..

Oh and BTW,the image at the top is nothing more than a picture I took of a wooded area, there is nothing there other than a bush , but then again? :-)

"This post was inspired by Todd Prescott and his diligent pursuit of common sense where none can be found!"

Friday, August 6, 2010

Looking for Ignis Fatuus in East Texas

A friend of mine and I went to look for the famous (famous in my neck of the woods anyway) Bragg Road Ghost Light a few days ago. For those of you not "in the know", Bragg Road is a road deep down in the forests of East Texas near a little town called Saratoga. Formerly a railroad line, the road is straight as an arrow and travels due north. Years after the railroad was dismantled and the county put the dirt road in, stories began to pop up about the ghost light. It seems that when traveling down this road, many people have experienced a strange light approaching their cars (or come up from behind) and speed right past them or over them. Some people have seen "nothing really" and others were so impressed (or disturbed) by the sighting that they've said it's made them rethink their perspective on reality. A friend of the person who went with me said that he couldn't stop thinking about it for two weeks.

The legend goes that it's the lantern of a railway brakeman who lost his head after the train rolled over him. I'm sure you know the rest. Yep, the light is him looking for his head. Other legends range from the light being that of a phantom hunter lost in the woods, murdered Mexican workers who were killed by their foreman for their money (there's supposed to be a small Mexican cemetery off of this road), the spirits of the Caddo Indians who once made this area home, and others...

No one's discovered what the light really is yet, so the thing is still a mystery today. In addition to this mysterious light, other strange phenomena has been experienced on this road. These things include missing time, disorientation, compasses spinning wildly, eerie silence when there should be crickets and other swamp critters heard, and even sightings of ol' Bigfoot himself.

Probably a mile after we entered the eight mile long dirt road, we see our first light. After a little ways up the road, we discover that it's just a car load of teenagers. Further down the road, another light pops up behind us. We suspected it was the teenagers behind us, so we didn't bother stopping to wait for the light to zoom past us like it's supposed to. Even further down, another light. This one turned out to be someone on a four-wheeler who thought he'd park beyond the treeline next to the road so we wouldn't see him. Once almost to the end of the road, yet another light appeared behind us. Again, we suspect the four-wheeler or more teenagers. We arrived to the end of the road, turned around, and headed back. Yep, there were the last set of "lights": a group of teens standing around their truck in one of the many pull-off spots on the road made so people could park and wait for the light while listening to the sounds of the Big Thicket. As we began to make our way out, we see one last light almost at the halfway point down the road.

"Maybe this is it", we hoped. So we stopped our car and began looking, watching it closely. It moved! Not forward, but side to side. Maybe the four-wheeler guy is playing tricks on us by driving all over the road? Hehehe.. We'll just turn our lights off and drive a little closer to play with him. "He's gonna sh*t bricks when we turn our lights back on and we're a couple hundred yards closer". When I turned the lights off though, the light we were looking at was gone.

We knew what that normally meant. The "light" that we spotted was not giving off light, but reflecting ours. "It's something reflective that someone put out there to catch wind and move and fool people", we figured. So we turned our lights on and kept driving slowly. We're gonna solve this particular mystery. We'd stop every now and then and watch it. Still, it would move around and even get closer. When killing the lights, it again disappeared. After driving slowly for almost a quarter of a mile, this light turns into two lights. Green ones. Then we start to see a form around it. Something/someone is there! It's time to roll the windows up. After getting a little closer, our strange shape with two reflectors made itself known. It turned out to be a very large bobcat walking around in the road. A bobcat that we started seeing from about a quarter of a mile away.

We never saw the famous ghost light of Bragg Road, but that doesn't mean it's not there. I'm sure that if a die-hard skeptic were with us, the mystery would have been solved. "Well, that's it. It's just animals or people in vehicles", they would proudly proclaim. And then I would proclaim how it's a little hard for animals or vehicles to zoom past you or over the roof of your car while wearing nothing but a bluish light, as many credible witnesses have reported.

This story doesn't have anything to do with cryptozoology (though it does mention Bigfoot). It's just a little true tale written up to show that sometimes all is not what it seems. Philip's blog page is titled "Strange is normal". But sometimes, normal can be pretty strange too.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sasquatch Can You Hear Me?

How does Sasquatch remain so elusive? After all these years and after all the people who chase the illusive one come up empty handed, how could this creature remain un-captured? We have very sophisticated equipment for detecting biological forms from their heat signature. We have the ability to not be within miles of the target subject. All these magical tools and Ole Sas still remains untouched and studied hands on.

From countless reports we have what seems to be a consensus that Sasquatch is not inclined to seek out humans and try to hug them or shake their hands, is this a creature of curiosity? Absolutely, have interactions taken place between humans and Sasquatch, absolutely. But overall the data would seem to say that in most cases Sasquatch just seems to vanish into the brush and is gone. How does anything be so elusive? Could it be that like other creatures it has senses that let it know we are near and using them it just slips away and moves on?

Ethology is the study of animal behavior. And in most cases those who study this field focus on animal processes rather than the animal itself. Many of you might have heard the story of Oscar the cat. Oscar would wander through a facility for dementia patients and when someone was in the process of dying, Oscar would get on their bed and sit and purr until they passed and then he would leave the room. What sense does Oscar have that tells him this person is dying? What of the many cases of animals somehow getting separated from their families by thousands of miles and somehow finding their way home? And when we talk about animals amazing sense of smell we can only try to understand just how important it is in their very existence. Some say Oscar uses his sense of smell to detect something that a dying body produces, or he uses his hearing to actually hear organs shutting down, or could it be that Oscar and other animals are tuned to life itself? Can they feel and sense the very being of life? I have a friend who is a hospice nurse and she has mentioned how a persons pet acts at the time of passing, without question, animals can sense when a person is dying.
It has been speculated that humans once had senses much more keen and powerful than we do now and we could sense events before they happened but we have lost these abilities and we have evolved into the creature we are today, dumbed down and our senses numbed by our propensity to be chemically enhanced even when we do not know we are.

I often have thought about the reports of people walking up on Sasquatch and being very close in encounters and if Sasquatch is also becoming less sensitive to its surrounding due to the poisoning of our water and air and food.

So how does this all relate to our friend Sasquatch, it relates on every level when trying to understand the illusiveness of this grand animal. Hyper smell? Hyper hearing? An unusual super sense of vibration? We do not know the answer to these questions but we do know that Like Oscar, animals have abilities in their senses that are far beyond what we have. But when discussing Sasquatch’s seemingly amazing ability to be out of sight where we think it should be in sight, maybe it is as simple as it is just a creature who can just do so..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

NiteCallers Radio Show 7/1/10

Tonight, Sunday August 1st, I will be the guest on the radio show “NiteCallers”. This will be a two hour show starting at 7 PM EST.
The chat room will be available to use during the show and maybe even a few calls to ask questions. I look forward to this show and everyone will have a great time as we discuss Sasquatch and all things Squatch..

I look forward to seeing everyone and having a great discussion..

The link below will take you to the website for the show tonight at 7 PM EST:

You can visit the links below to view the promo for tonight’s show:

YouTube NiteCallers
MySpace Nitecallers